+ 92 812-2872652




To promote and protect basic human rights particularly of women, minorities, indigenous communities, people living with disabilities, senior citizens, infant, child and adolescents.

To contribute to the creation of a tolerant society through the promotion of the value of peace, justices, freedoms and human rights;


To promote tolerance, interfaith harmony & social harmony.

To promote democracy, freedoms, civic spaces & good governance in the society

To mobilize stakeholders for vision Pakistan & sustainable development goals.

To encourage and support democratic norms, values & institutions in the society.


To incorporate humanism, feminism, gender sensitization in all program activities and to make gender a cross cutting theme.

To protect climate change, forest, mountains, agriculture, bio diversity, environment, water conservation, natural resources management and promotion of WASH and WATSAN.

To promote good health, wellbeing, SRHR, safe abortion and ending HIV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis, HBC and early, child and forced marriages.

To increase literacy, enrolment & decreasing dropout through quality education, innovative technologies & creating public private partnership development.

To strengthening, monitoring, evaluation, tracing, tracking through citizens generated data, transparency, accountability, ownership & open data mechanism.