+ 92 812-2872652




“Upbringing human rights, women & youth empowerment, targeting gender discrimination, building peace and interfaith harmony, reducing barriers to access quality health & life, HIV/AIDS, raising SRHR, ending early & forced marriages and other stigmatized issues effectively through impact, innovation, influence, and integration.”

YAD’s Key Parameters to Achieve its Mission

Targeting youth activism & empowerment as our core value. YAD continues to implement both awareness & legislative programs, with advocacy and development education an integral part of our work. In each of our operational districts, YAD continues to have an on-the-ground presence to monitor and learn from our programs and to engage with our partners. We do not intend to become a grant-giving organization from afar. YAD seeks opportunities for greater engagement with communities and civil society in our program. YAD’s overall program fits within the international effort to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. This involves ensuring that our organizational programs contribute to the attainment of the indicators set out in the SDGs. Through our advocacy, we seek to ensure that the country meets its SDGs obligations to increase investment in human rights, health, education, economic development, etc.