How to Control and Eliminate Hepatitis in a Non-Clinical Setting?
Supporting and engaging patient, peer support groups, healthcare professionals, healthcare workers, caregivers, family members, support groups, primary health physicians, people living with hepatitis B who are not in care or on treatment, at-risk groups, general population, school-going children, policymakers, media, CSOs, private health care providers, barbers, caretakers, gatekeepers, teachers, faith-based leaders, religious clerics, multi-stakeholders, and multiple actors to step up disease education, knowledge, literacy, awareness, mobilization, campaigning, networking and coalition building.
Elevating awareness of liver health, promoting understanding of the liver disease, and empowering patients to make decisions that can help improve their health, improving knowledge and attitudes to impact behaviors, addressing knowledge gaps in liver health and viral hepatitis, increasing efforts to address risk factors, modes of transmission, disease progression, types of viral hepatitis and hepatitis/liver function screening tests, supporting new and creative ways to help people prevent, manage and live with hepatitis, strengthening and enhance patient support services and encourage peer support to link patients and those at-risk to screening and care, understanding of hepatitis B, screening and intervention options to improve disease management, consumer’s information-seeking behaviors, are evolving, initiating bold and innovative approaches to increase disease awareness outside of clinical settings including digital platforms, tools & assets for education, and patient outreach with information about services with chatbots, mobile apps, digital counseling, community-based resource centers, geolocation of care delivery centers, creative campaigns that are accessible beyond the clinical setting, efforts that drive information about self-care, developing diverse and inclusive partnerships with the engagement of patients & communities, digital and artificial intelligence-based systems, producing hepatitis apps, establishing a hepatitis lifeline helpline center, digital campaign, driving hepatitis awareness and self-care and increasing access between hepatitis services seekers and hepatitis services providers.